Wished to have a reminder so you don’t forget about the food in your fridge that are expiring?
Ever been at the store and wondered what you had and what you needed to buy?
Wished to have personal health suggestions based uniquely on your own eating habits?
Hamster is the easy way to manage your fridge and shopping list.
• Expiration reminders
• Shopping list
• Nutrient graphics indicate consumption and health
• Easy to use with a beautiful UI
• No ads at all
How it works:
You can type in item name and select quantity, unit and expiration date. Everything you entered is saved in your
Fridge List where you can view, edit and consume. To view items between Fridge and Expiring List, just swipe left and right under Fridge panel in the bottom tab bar. We strongly suggest you fill up your profile first so that Hamster can calculate and provide you with smart suggestions, helping you reach your best health condition.
With a smart tool like Hamster, managing your fridge has never been